embroidery cotton thread in blackwhite, light blue, and greenish-blue
To make the pattern for the dragonfly embroidery, start by choosing an image on-line and printing it. Make it large enough that you can see all the details. Don't worry about it fitting your embroidery hoop yet.
Place the image on the light pad image side down, or on a window in the light, and use a pencil to trace the outline and details on the backside of the image, to create your pattern. Make it detailed enough to be interesting, but not too detailed to actually embroidery.
Take a picture of your pencil sketch, and on a computer screen or ipad, size it to your fit nicely into your embroidery hoop. Place a white sheet of paper over the the computer or ipad screen and trace the pattern one more time, smoothly out any rough lines as you sketch. This will be your final pattern.
To transfer your pattern to the cotton fabric, place it under the pattern and use a pencil to lightly trace the pattern on to the fabric.
Place your fabric into the embroidery hoop, and begin to embroider the dragonfly. We used black, white, light blue, and greenish-blue colours, but the part of the beauty of creating your own is that you can use any colour combo you like. This one was inspired by the colours in the original photo. We used satin stitch for the solid areas, backstitch for the outlines, and a French knot for some of the details on the body, and eyes. You can also try adding the stem stitch and bullion knot for more details. The outlines are done with three strands of embroidery cotton thread, and the solid areas are done with two strands of embroidery cotton thread. You could also try adding some metallic threads for special effects.
Once the whole dragonfly is stitched, trim the excess fabric and hang it on the wall. You can use this pattern making process to create a pattern for any insect.